Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time with Myself

I sit and look back at My life
trying to recall things which happened
trying to remember what I did ..and now I decide
I need some time with myself now.

They say You study for a better future
I say not books but time is a better tutor
I looked at Poems which never were able to recite..and now I decide
I need some time with myself now.

The aura of of people dominating me was too high
I was happy I was knocked i can take a sigh
Relieved yes I was but embarrassed and felt like a paracite..and now i decide
I need some time with myself now.

No friends to go out with, I used to stand alone
To be happy though,I found a way and made my Shadow my own clone
It would be with me and never would fight..and now I decide
I need some time with myself now.

Tried to overcome inability to use words spoken all over the world
The only way to go forward was to ask my fate to be hurled
I wanted to fly high like a kite...and now I decide
I need some time with myself now.

Religious places used to make me feel awkward
I would try and sit there for long, failed ..Was I a COWARD ??
I then would go and sob in the dark corner of the night...and now I Decide
I need some time with myself now.


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