Monday, December 6, 2010

Sex OF the Jungle

It all started off with a normal chat that I was having with a friend about sex and its sanity. And soon, I discovered that I am not living in a mentally sound world but surviving in a hypo-critic and full of fake layered circle.

I fail to understand the conversations, which people so easily term to rate as cheap and ill minded, when the fact of the matter is, that they are supposedly getting involved in it day in and night out. For example, if I like a girl and chat and talk to her about exploring her body then it is cheap but who-ever the girl likes and she expresses her desires of sexuality then it has to be referred as sacred. 

Am I the only bloody saint of sex-titude or what?

Long gone are the days, when life and its motions where all deserted to the jungles, wherein, we had no houses. And I challenge you for objecting to my knowledge of assuming that human’s did not have the brain then, to hide behind the bushes to fu** someone. They would just do it; all in open!

Was it cheap??

No it was a cycle.

A way of whatever we find better- we do, irrespective of the reciprocal reactions to be positive or negative by the doldrums (yeah, that’s what I like calling the people who don’t fit into the bill of ‘being honest’).

The next up was the question if I could change myself and my reaction was for whom? For people ?  No thanks !  And again I would be advised to keep it clean. But when did I not? Did I rape someone …NOPE… did I force someone to talk about it…NOPE. Communication always happens two way around and when people don’t like a set of traffic, what they must do is drive in a different lane. However, they continue to peak in the same line and still honk for you to move aside. 

Why the hell should I??

I still would love to have the era of deserted jungles I talked about earlier, but be educated enough to make it discreet and behind the curtains if I have to make love to someone. Is that a crime… well the majority of the doldrums would say so… SO BE IT…for that is cared the least on this page and in this saint’s life.

C’mmon people, let us not get involved in something, which we can only justify because of the norms created by some ill wormed heads that we now call ancestors! We need to realize where we come from and what we were; for changes happen only for certain things to make them look good and respectful in your lingo but the theme remains the same.

 Sex, shall not be an ill defined license of a married man or woman. It’s all that we are for, that we originate from; then why the hell run away from conversing about it. Your moans would not be different if you talked about it. They still remain the same as they were, when you chose not to. And the touch doesn’t change its identity as it is still the skin, which is felt…

Let us remember till we die that we come from sex OF the jungle and as Gerard Butler said - ‘That my dear friend is the ugly truth’!


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