Tuesday, January 4, 2011

3rd Jan 2011 – Another session

There is always a retaliatory feeling from within when I first start writing any blog. And the culprits with no ‘bhow’ like scary (supposedly) action are heart and mind.

Heart and Mind – the two dictators residing in between all the organs, which strives heard to make their own presence felt everywhere and anywhere; irrespective of the fact that I pass on the written ordinance to it or not. It’s been funny to watch and with a bit of learning too, to the way what some friends have responded to this new blog and I guess it’s getting better clicks then the last one; LOL.

However, things change so dramatically that even I had to change the way I thought I was going to approach my new set of words (this one) and would try to be a little mellow and subdued. But, will we? For sure not!

It was a weird day yesterday with all the feelings colliding and compressing themselves with little to choose in terms of right or wrong. The virtues of two drinks with 100 Pipers did no help what so ever. So all I had to do was to go down to take a walk in the park with 2 ciggis in the pocket (after ages) and talk to a bloody cool friend from UK. The best part about this relation is that she doesn’t know me much nor do I and then I don’t really have to hide anything to feel embarrassed or light. Ventilation as they say it is…

Did it help? To me it never does…

Then came, a message on the BB, for a new comment I received on the blog written on 30th of December 2010, basically the ripping of my Ex. Somewhat appreciating and a little apprehensive to what I wrote. Again this was from a very good friend and that seemed to be the trend as I was also fighting to a very close person in my life through sms’s.

However, when I was walking down the road I saw temples that I used to visit and pray (long time back) and pray for others who need things (not materials but mental) more than me. Knowing the loser and the pain in the A** God is I knew that he will not suffice to anyone who needsssss things, for, he is busy watching the porn with the privileged ones. I can’t call him a pimp or a down-casted, downgraded and loath as he seems to have captured the senses of everyone so hard that it is hard for us to break it.

For me it is not – For I, Defy him today from being worshiped and I do it for Forever.

The tussle of my mind and heart stops here as I hear to none. Don’t like any of the feeling of helplessness and I stand alone to challenge the one sitting up in the sky and enjoying.

P.S = His ripping has just begun….


  1. WOW man i m again in love with your writing.... Finally Sandy is back n i like it ...... keep writing like this and the bitches around gonna fall head over heals for this ..... lemme not forget the DOGS....
    ha ha ha ha ha ha ...... this and about your EX is a killer... much way better then the sady stuff... BEING BAD IS ALWAYS GOOD as it helps for being happy in life... MAY DIS DEVIL LIVE LONG


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