Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Condition Serious Hai

We all like partying don't we? We worship our alcohol like it was naked Shakira in front of us, take such big drags of our hash as if we were lord Shiva himself, and some of us like the LINES (if you know what I mean), while few crave for the ecstasy. Blah Blah Blah!!

But yeh condition serious nahi hai!

At the end of the day we witness (as we are not the lucky ones) the cars in the parking-lot humping nad jumping out of control (while standing still) - and we know; what is going on inside. Oh yeah- there might be few moist legs and cocky heads bursting with sensations of enjoying, but also wrapped in the fear of getting caught running in their blood cells at the same time. But, what we do miss (normally) is the other handle (besides the one mentioned indirectly above), that suffers it all and curses the culprits lying on top (or down) of each other. And this my dear friend is called Condition Serious Hai!

None of us like being called a racist and I sure am a bloody pussy-hearted guy (no shame admitting it boy) to be called one- just imagine the number of curses and stones that would be hurled at me if I was one. So I would not take names (lol) and tell you the story of a cribber and a companion hearing it all out jinka Condition serious hai!.

So, jinka condition serious hai yahaan pe woh hain...: 1.A luxurious car and 2. The Gearbox!

So after one fine evening of resting its butt for long hours in the parking-lot of a night club, it (the luxurious car), finally took a sigh of relief as it could see its owner- a swanky looking guy with the most expensive watch you could think of, the most expensive shoes you could think of and the most expensive attire you could think of (of course you can only think of it, else you would not be reading this blog written by a middle-class guy trying to win some goodies and wasting your time on it you duh), but the joy was short lived and soon it (the car), had a change of heart and thoughts.

Why? This is why!

“Oh Lord, I was designed by the best of the designers with sweat, blood and emotions. Pitted to be the wife of the millionaires and please their personality, but, now I am being shamed to be the mistress of their young guns, while they go on raiding these chicks in their parties and grind their as**s, on my delicate and exquisite interiors. The Nappa leather coatings of my seats is being ripped apart by the alcohol driven mad-heads and lose sperm on a roll, with the dirty witches of insanity, trying hard (and failing) to mute their moaning for my discomfort; to say the least. My Switch boards and macho dashboard weep in front of me with silent tears, when the shoes of these monsters are thrown upside down and I hate when my babies get a scratch, which is completely UNWONTED for. I feel deprived of not only O2, but am forced to intake the nicotine that they spell with the marijuana helping the cause as harshly as possible. My poor gear box is supposed to drive-but not driven.AND NOT LIKE THIS FOR SURE! Excuse him for being termed as an obstruction, because if it wasn’t for him; there would be no riding and driving. Everyone knows it, then why to blame and hate? Instead of being adored by the outsides for my beauty, I am being taunted as the perfect banging place, which one wishes to acquire (sob-sob). No-no-no, I don’t want none of these as an identity. For what I love is being appreciated for being elegant and not a who** fuc**** place. I do hope you would pay proper attention to my complaints, as I talk on behalf of me and my cutie gearbox...kyunki humari CONDITION SERIOUS HAI!" 

Yours faithfully- The luxurious one…”

I do believe that this condition is serious ... but what matters is.. do you think.,... ye CONDITION SERIOUS HAI?

This post is written for #conditionserioushai contest held by Cadbury 5 star - Visit their Facebook page -


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