Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday 30th – Insipid Humans

I am not angry nor am I sad today. Both the feelings are missing, which normally prompts me to write and in your language may be vent!

Infuriated by the ritual of obliging my contractual boss with the stuff I am supposed to, I somehow wanted to (want to) take some time off for the boss, who resides within. Dedicate some sexy hot chic words to him too! But then, that isn’t we; is it?

Taking sips from the illusionary cup of tea (I am writing this at 2 in the night, so do you expect to have tea so late? Got office in the morning dude) there are images that I see today from a movie named ‘Kites’ (yeah –yeah, not many of you liked it) not because it had a Mexican chick swimming in two piece boasting off her sexy butt and also sexy assets but because I, somehow cannot digest the point, as to how so many of us can miss out on peeling off the two sides of the coin shown in the flick. Important point to notice here being, that heart was what it showed as a winner at the end; correct me if I am wrong.

Realizing how deep the feeling of being connected to only one throughout the life is what gets immortal viz a rainbow when you die for them. Bicycle paddles keep rotating if you have ever noticed, till the time they are to reach their destination but when you do reach there has to be an instrument called breaks for you to stop and cherish the arrival (of your own).

Why do we have to sing like good old Amitabh Bachchan ‘rozana jiye – rozana marein’??

I spent the weekend with few set of people and this time around a new person who wants to make a mark in an industry, wherein, I already see a lot of hypocrites and self claimed talented people. Dancing in the rage of being a teaser and a cocky persona, this chick would assume that ‘play and get’ works everywhere. However, what pisses off my sensibility (whatever little is left with me) is why does every activity of us (humans) have to come because of a necessity and a wish of getting something done from someone?

I am not anyone for now to be a godfather and sometimes pray to the almighty sitting above (as per you) that this jest of believing that someone could be one; shall be terminated forever. If not then bloody hell, at-least abandon it like lord Rama for vanvaas of 14 years and when it turn head back after the duration, curse it back again with the same sentence.

Though the night was shading away to give way to dawn I was also connected to my loved one, unearthing myself with some weird words of my childhood telling her while walking at 6 in the morning, how much I would love to be with her when I grow old and would have wrinkles and borrow her artificial teeth to eat my food (lol).

Days pass by and we don’t realize the importance of being true to our origin if not ourselves. Awesome is the awesome does, and good things won’t happen to us if we won’t spray around the feeling in someone else’s life. I might also fail in doing so and I surely know that I will, but I feel good when I feed the stray dogs in my colony everyday and comeback expecting nothing in return from them. To understand this statement I urge you to watch a supremely human-ous movie named Hachiko, and understand what a give and take relation deprives us from.

Steps taken together are marks for others to follow and then increase thee populate.

Paint it someway – Paint Humanity…

Signing off for the day!!    


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